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Praxis für Psychotherapie HeilPrG


Seminare | Workshops



Ringstraße 4

82319 Starnberg



+49 (0) 170 3113793







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LifeCyclePlan Workshop for your future

Developing perspectives with all your senses

What are your deepest true wishes and desires for your life or your career? Which dreams do you really want to come true? Questions likes these you will answer in the LifeCyclePlan Workshop. I guide and assist you to experience your dreams and wishes with all your senses while working with techniques such as vision journeys and visualization. An intuitive collage is being created in this creative and fulfilling workshop. This literally shows you visually and pictorially what it is you deeply want and what you burn for. The first step towards the realization of your wishes and desires is hereby taken.


1 day workshop: 150.-€ per person


How about celebrating a unique and memorable glorious-future-birthday-party?

You get together with friends and family for this very fulfilling workshop and plan a new sparkling year in life that lies ahead of you. It´s heart and soul touching and definitely something very special. Talk to me about your individual ideas and wishes how you would like to plan this event. It can take place in your home and be a very exclusive gift.

Therapie Stress Burnout Depression Lernproblem Schulproblem ADHS LRS Familienaufstellung Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Systemisch Dekodieren Teamaufstellung Coaching Digital Detox Therapy Familyconstellation Teamconstellation ADS