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Praxis für Psychotherapie HeilPrG


Seminare | Workshops



Ringstraße 4

82319 Starnberg



+49 (0) 170 3113793







auf Instagram:



Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first. (Simon Sinek)

In times of digitalization, globalization, competitive pressure and steadily growing challenges of markets it becomes more and more difficult being a mindful and an aware entrepreneur. Isabelle Bober offers tools to support you and your teams to stay healthy, innovative and creative so you can all work in synergy successfully striving forward.


In her therapeutic work, seminars, workshops and coaching Isabelle Bober utilizes  the benefits of visions and visualisation techniques, mental training, meditation and awareness besides knowledge transfer to experience a deep process of change on a psychological and physical level.


Contact Isabelle Bober to plan possible activities and events to nourish a sustainable company culture which supports your manpower to be efficient, innovative and creative.


In the seminar coping with stress the participants find the sources of their stress and how to transform them. They are also learn new effective strategies to avoid stress and experience fresh ideas for time management.

Digital Detox is a offline retreat workshop to find back to awareness and calmness, feeling reconnected and recharged without information overload.

If you have any personal or professional challenges or questions the LifeCyclePlan workshop is ideal to find new perspectives, ideas and answers. For teams and groups who are developing a new project the ProjectProcessPlan workshop is a great source for new and creative ideas and a successful implementation plan.

Team Constellation brings back synergetic working in teams, eliminates stress and difficulties amongst team members so common tasks can be successfully fulfilled.


How can Isabelle Bober support you and your company?

Therapie Stress Burnout Depression Lernproblem Schulproblem ADHS LRS Familienaufstellung Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Systemisch Dekodieren Teamaufstellung Coaching Digital Detox Therapy Familyconstellation Teamconstellati